Welcome to the National Kingsleyville Lottery!

Greetings! Care to test your luck?
The lottery is drawn every day at 7pm KST
While the lottery is still in BETA any non-working draws will be refunded
Buy a ticket | View my tickets | View Lottery Info | View Ball info

"; } $query = mysql_query("SELECT ball_1, ball_2, ball_3, ball_4, ball_5, ball_6 from game_lottery_records") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); $numbers = array(); for($i = 1; $i <= 50; $i++) { $numbers[$i] = 0; } while($r = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $numbers[$r["ball_1"]]++; $numbers[$r["ball_2"]]++; $numbers[$r["ball_3"]]++; $numbers[$r["ball_4"]]++; $numbers[$r["ball_5"]]++; $numbers[$r["ball_6"]]++; } arsort($numbers, SORT_NUMERIC); print ""; while(($num = current($numbers)) !== FALSE) { if($num > 0) { ?> 0) { print ""; } }*/ print "
Number Times %
$i {$numbers[$i]} " . round(($numbers[$i] / (mysql_num_rows($query) * 6)) * 100, 2) . "%
"; break; case "info"; $total = mysql_query("SELECT * from game_lottery") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); if(@mysql_num_rows($total) > 0) { $total = mysql_num_rows($total); $total_max = ($total * 1000) + 10000; } $first_max = floor(PercentOfNumberIs(55, $total_max)); $second_max = floor(PercentOfNumberIs(25, $total_max)); $third_max = floor(PercentOfNumberIs(15, $total_max)); $forth_max = floor(PercentOfNumberIs(5, $total_max)); ?> Total Jackpot: KD

First division: KD
Second division: KD
Third division: KD
Forth division: KD
Please click on 6 balls you wish to use in the lottery!
\n"; } ?>

Most drawn:
Note: Statistics are collected from the last " . mysql_num_rows($query) . " draws."; ?> 0) { ?>
Ticket ID Numbers