0){ $SQ = mysql_query("SELECT price, name FROM stock_market WHERE id = '{$post_safe['id']}'") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); if(mysql_num_rows($SQ) > 0){ if(mysql_result($SQ, 0, "price") >= 15) { $cost = mysql_result($SQ, 0, "price") * $post['amount']; if($CharacterInfo['money'] >= $cost){ updateCharacter("money", "(money - {$cost})", $CharacterInfo['id']); $SC = mysql_query("SELECT units, stock_cost FROM stock_info where stock_id = '{$post_safe['id']}' AND owner = '{$CharacterInfo['id']}'") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); if(mysql_num_rows($SC) > 0){ $number = mysql_result($SC, 0, "units") + $post['amount']; $newcost = (mysql_result($SC, 0, "stock_cost") * $amount) + (mysql_result($SQ, 0, "price") * mysql_result($SC, 0, "units")); $newcost = $newcost / ($amount + mysql_result($SC, 0, "units")); mysql_query("UPDATE stock_info set units = '$number', stock_cost = '$newcost' WHERE owner = '{$CharacterInfo['id']}' AND stock_id = '{$post_safe['id']}'") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); $result["status"] = true; $result["message"] = "You have purchased {$post['amount']} of stock, and now have " . format($number) . " of " . mysql_result($SQ, 0, "name"); if(mt_rand(1, 200) == 1) { addExp($CharacterInfo['id'], 1); } } else { mysql_query("INSERT INTO stock_info (owner, stock_id, units, stock_cost) VALUES ('{$CharacterInfo['id']}', '{$post_safe['id']}', '{$post_safe['amount']}', '" . mysql_result($SQ, 0, "price") . "')") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); $result["status"] = true; $result["message"] = "You have purchased " . format($post['amount']) . " of " . mysql_result($SQ, 0, "name"); if(mt_rand(1, 200) == 1) { addExp($CharacterInfo['id'], 1); } } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "You do not have enough money to do that!"; } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "You cannot trade stock that is less than 16 KD"; } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Item does not exist in our records"; } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Please enter a number"; } print json_encode($result); break; case "sellStock": global $CharacterInfo; $stock = explode("&", urldecode($post_safe['stock'])); foreach($stock as $id) { $tmp = explode("=", $id); $sell = $tmp[1]; $stock_id = $tmp[0]; if($sell > 0){ $ChQ = mysql_query("SELECT units FROM stock_info WHERE owner = '{$CharacterInfo['id']}' AND stock_id = '$stock_id'") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); if(mysql_num_rows($ChQ) == 1){ //yep! now, get units $units = mysql_result($ChQ, 0); if($units >= $sell){ //check we have enough //we do, continue! //find selling price $MktQ = mysql_query("SELECT name, price FROM stock_market WHERE id = '$stock_id'") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); $moneytogive = $sell * mysql_result($MktQ, 0, "price"); updateCharacter("money", "(money + {$moneytogive})", $CharacterInfo['id']); //remove shares from list if($sell == $units){ mysql_query("DELETE FROM stock_info WHERE owner = '{$CharacterInfo['id']}' AND stock_id = '$stock_id'") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); } else { $newstock = $units - $sell; mysql_query("UPDATE stock_info SET units = '$newstock' WHERE owner = '{$CharacterInfo['id']}' AND stock_id = '$stock_id'") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); } $moneytogive = format($moneytogive); print "Sold {$sell} of " . mysql_result($MktQ, 0, "name") . " for $moneytogive KD
"; if(mt_rand(1, 200) == 1) { addExp($CharacterInfo['id'], 1); } } else { print "You cannot sell more shares than you own!
"; } } elseif($Num ==0) { print "I'm sorry, but you can't do that!
"; } } } break; } ?>