You managed to steal $cash KD"; if(mt_rand(1, 2) == 1) { addExp($CharacterInfo['id'], mt_rand($level, $level * 10)); } } else { $ret = "You could not rob the bank."; if(mt_rand(1, 4) == 1){ $HPTake = mt_rand(1, $User_HP) - defendRoll($CharacterInfo['id']); TakeHP($CharacterInfo['id'], $HPTake); if($HPTake < 0) $HPTake = 0; $ret .= "
You were shot at and injured. -$HPTake HP"; } $str = FineMoney(mt_rand(1,$level*1500), true); $ret .= "
"; } print $ret; unset($_SESSION['bank_rob']); } break; case "getSavings": global $CharacterInfo; $bankInfo = GetBankInfo($CharacterInfo['id']); print format($bankInfo['money']); break; case "withdrawMoney": global $CharacterInfo; $withdraw = addslashes($_POST["withdraw"]); if(is_numeric($withdraw)){ if($withdraw > 0){ $bankInfo = GetBankInfo($CharacterInfo['id']); if($amount <= $bankInfo['money']){ updateBank("money", "(money - {$withdraw})", $CharacterInfo['id']); $remMoney = $bankInfo['money'] - $withdraw; updateCharacter("money", "(money + {$withdraw})", $CharacterInfo["id"]); $result["status"] = true; $result["message"] = "You have withdrawn $withdraw KD out of your account"; if(mt_rand(1, 200) == 1) { addExp($CharacterInfo['id'], 1); } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Error:\nYou cannot withdraw more than you own."; } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Error:\nPlease use a positive number when trying to withdraw!"; } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Error:\nPlease only use numbers when attempting to withdraw."; } print json_encode($result); break; case "collectInterest": global $CharacterInfo; $sqlBank = mysql_query("SELECT money, (SELECT name FROM bank_account_types WHERE id = account_type) as account_name, (SELECT interest_rate FROM bank_account_types WHERE id = account_type) as interest_rate, last_collected FROM bank WHERE owner_id = '{$CharacterInfo['id']}'") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); if(mysql_result($sqlBank, 0, "last_collected") != date("Y-m-d")){ $savings_year = ceil(PercentOfNumberIs(mysql_result($sqlBank, 0, "interest_rate"), mysql_result($sqlBank, 0, "money"))); $savings_day = ceil($savings_year / 365); updateBank("money", "(money + {$savings_day})", $CharacterInfo['id']); updateBank("last_collected", "CURRENT_DATE()", $CharacterInfo['id']); addExp($CharacterInfo['id'], 1); print ""; } else { print ""; } break; case "depositMoney"; $deposit = addslashes($_POST["deposit"]); if(is_numeric($deposit)) { if($deposit > 0){ global $sess_user_id; global $CharacterInfo; if($deposit <= $CharacterInfo['money']){ updateBank("money", "(money + {$deposit})", $CharacterInfo['id']); updateCharacter("money", "(money - {$deposit})", $CharacterInfo['id']); $result["status"] = true; $result["message"] = "You have deposited $deposit KD into your account!"; if(mt_rand(1, 200) == 1) { addExp($CharacterInfo['id'], 1); } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Error:\nYou cannot deposit more than you have!"; } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Error:\nYou must enter a number greater than 0 as a deposit."; } } else { $result["status"] = false; $result["message"] = "Error:\nPlease only use numbers when submitting a deposit."; } print json_encode($result); break; case "sendMoney": $name = $post_safe['name']; if(is_numeric($post['money']) && $post['money'] > 0){ $money = (int)$post['money']; $CharacterBankInfo = GetBankInfo($CharacterInfo['id']); if($CharacterBankInfo['money'] >= $money){ $NQ = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM characters WHERE name = '{$post_safe['name']}'") or print(mysql_error() . " " . __FILE__ . " #" . __LINE__); if(mysql_num_rows($NQ) == 1){ $toID = mysql_result($NQ, 0); updateBank("money", "(money + {$money})", $toID); updateBank("money", "(money - {$money})", $CharacterInfo['id']); $money = format($money); alert($toID, "Money transfer {$money} KD from {$CharacterInfo['name']}", "{$post_safe['message']}", $CharacterInfo['id']); print "Successfully transferred {$money} to {$post['name']}"; } else print "No such user!"; } else print "Put some more money in the bank!"; } else print "Please put in a number!"; break; case "upgradeAccount": // Get account information $sqlAccount = mysql_query("SELECT id, name, minimum_amount FROM bank_account_types WHERE id = '{$post_safe['bank_acc']}'"); if($sqlAccount && mysql_num_rows($sqlAccount) == 1) { $userBank = GetBankInfo($CharacterInfo['id']); if($userBank['money'] >= mysql_result($sqlAccount, 0, "minimum_amount")) { // Do the upgrade. updateBank("account_type", mysql_result($sqlAccount, 0, "id"), $CharacterInfo['id']); print "Successfully updated your account to " . mysql_result($sqlAccount, 0, "name"); } else print "You don't have enough deposited to upgrade your account to this!"; } else print "That account does not exist!"; break; } ?>